Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Cost of Neglecting Regular Car Maintenance

With today’s tight economy and bad job market automobile owners might be tempted to put off routine maintenance on their car. However this is the worst thing you can do to it and your wallet. According to Margarette Burnette from “poorly maintained vehicles cause thousands of wrecks a year”.

If you do not maintain your car, one that might have lasted 200,000 miles might be lucky to get to 150,000 miles on it. If you put off regular maintenance items, it will result in expensive repairs down the road.
Some tips to prolong your cars life span include.
  1. Regular oil changes every 3,000-4,000 miles. Oil changes help keep your engine clean and reduce friction on metal to metal parts, saving on unnecessary wear and tear on your engine, making it last longer and run better.
  2. Rotate tires and check air. If you rotate your tires every 5,000-6,000 miles and check the air pressure in them regularly, you will increase your gas mileage and increase tire life.
  3. Annual Brake check up’s. After awhile your brake pads and rotors wear out. If let go, this could be both a hazard for you and everyone else on the road.
  4. Regular tune ups. Regular tune ups will make you engine run more efficient which in turn will result in less engine wear and better fuel economy.

If car consumers follow these four simple steps, they can expect to get the maximum amount of life out of their car and save money in the long run, both in repairs and gas.

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