Thursday, February 28, 2013

Budget your “wants” so you can afford your “needs”

Budget your “wants” so you can afford your “needs”

It can be frustrating to spend your pay check away month to month and wonder where it all went. I’m sure everyone has felt that once in their life, but the question is, do you really not know where your money goes?

A budget too many can be viewed as a waste of time or tedious work, but what you may not want to discover is that you have been spending that money on things that you weren’t necessarily in need of. When you create a budget you are more in control of how your pay check gets split up and are less willing to waste your money, leaving you with a little more extra change in your piggy bank.

Here are several tips you might find will help you succeed with a successful budget from the article How to Make a Budget:

1.       Make budgeting fun-

 Put all of those extra things you buy into your budget, but put limits on how much you can spend. Figure out about how much you are willing to put into each category each month and stick with it. By the time the end of the month comes you will have money in categories like vacation that will motivate you more. 

2.       Find a system that works for you-

You can buy software that will help you organize you budget, otherwise you can make a spread sheet on excel works as well. If you do not have any skills with computers you can always resort to the pen and paper style. Otherwise with technology growing you can download a free app onto your phone.

3.       Set limits and follow them-

When you know how much you want to spend and how much you want to save you will see that your spreadsheet and budget are being more efficient. It will be so much more rewarding in the end if you can save your money and treat yourself at the same time.

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