Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Budget Then Don't Fudge It

Budgeting isn't just for people that say they need to stick to a budget, it's for everyone. A budget helps you manage your money flow and ensure you can have enough money for not only paying bills but also going to the movies or going on vacation.

When you stick to a budget you can see where your money is going. Sometimes we feel like we have a lot of money for little things but feel like we can't splurge on the big things. With a budget you can see if you really need those little things or if you can cut back and buy that new flat screen tv or a new car!

Here are some tips from the article, Budgeting 101, that make budgeting seem more attainable:

  • Track everything, it may seem tedious but it can uncover hidden money flow that you didn't even realize you were doing.

  • Don't overspend. If you have $200 to spend on groceries one month then don't spend more than that. Stretch what you have and make good use of every dollar spent.

  • Use cash for purchases. When you have a certain amount of cash on you then it is a lot easier to see how much you are spending.

  • Stick to the budget. If you really want to be successful budgeting then you need to continue to track expenses and stay on point.

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