Thursday, February 28, 2013

Plot Twist: Women are Better at Buying Cars

Here’s something you probably didn't expect: men do a worse job buying cars than women do. Studies indicate that although men do have more knowledge than women do about cars, they tend to overestimate their abilities.

Women don’t know much about cars, you say. It’s true but being knowledgeable about this subject is actually more of a disadvantage. You see, it may cause you to refuse to intake any additional information that may actually benefit you.

Women, as a whole, are more practical than men are. This means they are better at researching and gathering important information about the vehicle of interest. Men, on the other hand, feel the need to not ask questions because they already assume that they already know everything there is about cars.

So guys, next time you decide it’s time for a new car, bring your girlfriend/wife along for the ride. With the information you “already know” and the information she could find out, finding the best deals will be a walk in the park.


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