Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Death of the "American Dream""Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” 

What is left of the American Dream? Do we now have restrictions that we worked so hard to get rid of and dreamed of never having?

Many people like Michael the creator of the article “Money Problems That Never Seem To End...” are disgusted with the U.S economy, because of statistics like the 6.4 million job loss difference between what it was at the recession and the all time low now.

We have learned that our Nation’s debt is “normal”, that it doesn't affect us, well it does. The American Dollar is going to fall just like the Euro almost did in Germany, if we, as a Nation don’t do anything about it.

We have the individual choices and opportunities to receive a good education and career, but we are very limited to what we can do, because of money.

We are in huge circle of debt and we need to figure out a way to get out of it. If people are have money problems we get another credit card or borrow from the state or government. If the state or government is having financial problems they take it out on people through taxes and charges or they just barrow more money to put us more in debt.

This is an ongoing problem and if we don’t do something to change the way we are spending money, someone somewhere is going to come looking for what we owe.

The Economic Collapse

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